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Job Seeker

Upload your resume to start your new career.

Young woman interviewing for a job
Diverse office colleagues smiling and clapping during an office meeting

We are committed to your success!

Looking For a Job?

Whether you are looking to land the perfect job, looking for career guidance, training and development, look no further. 

Our mission at Legacy IPS is to take your vision and career goals and align it with what we do best, execute results.

 What do we get out of it? Our goal is to obtain a lifelong relationship with YOU as our partner.


What We Offer

Let Us Find The Right Career For You.

Send us your resume today, our professional team is ready to jump-start your career!

Career Mentoring

The opportunity to build a career working with companies within your field that align with your goals and aspirations.We want to utilize your full potential to maximize your success.

Resume Assistance

Are you struggling to create the perfect resume? Let us help you create a resume that will take you to the next level.

Live or Online Training

Online and live training to help better prepare you for the position of your interest.

Career Consultation

Provide career advice to ensure you can obtain a job that fits your goals as well as your personality.

Optional Ongoing Mentorship

Your success is our #1 goal. We want to ensure after employment you continue to have ongoing support and resources as needed.

Great Benefits

Weekly payroll, direct deposit available, employee dental, vision, medical insurance, including personal insurance planning and 401k

We are part of your team.
Let us find the right career for you.